How to convert leads into clientes?


We consider a lead as one of the first interactions we have with our potential customer, that crucial moment when you need to capture their attention in the best possible way for your audience. One of the main objectives within an SME is the ability to generate sales leads for our business, and we refer to this action as conversion. Using various strategies will facilitate this process, and we will now show you how to convert leads into customers and the importance of doing so.

Converting leads into customers in stages 

What is a lead? 

To begin, we need to define certain terms that are relevant when discussing leads. There is a marketing strategy called inbound marketing (also known as attraction marketing), which involves providing your consumers with content that interests them, such as a blog, downloading a file, or offering a subscription. You can learn more about content marketing and how your business can apply this strategy in this article on our blog.

In this way, we voluntarily obtain contact information from the interested audience and register them in our database. These potential customers are referred to as leads.

Types of leads 

There are various types of leads, and it’s important to define them as they present the formula for creating strategies that help build sales conversion, which is what we aim for.

  • Lead: This category is considered when we have successfully captured their attention and obtained their contact information, but we have not yet completed the sale. It is positioned at the beginning of our funnel, which we technically refer to as TOFU (top of the funnel).
  • Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL): Users who fall into this category are the audience that has demonstrated a need that our business can fulfill with a solution. They are located in the middle of our funnel. At this point, it is referred to as MOFU (middle of the funnel), and it is an opportune moment to refine our sales strategies and guide the customer to the next step in their transaction.
  • Sales Qualified Lead (SQL): The audience belonging to this sector is in the final phase of our funnel, that is, at the BOFU (bottom of the funnel) stage. Our mission will be to close the sale through strategies that persuade the customer to make the purchase.

Tricks to increase our leads

As we have mentioned, various strategies can be used to guide our potential customers to the final stage of our funnel and conclude with a sale. In other words, there are processes to convert leads into customers, but what are these strategies?

To begin, we must understand which tactics are best suited to our business. This is achieved through practice and analyzing results when implementing a new strategy. Each business is different, and therefore, each plan will be different. You can rely on the following foundations:

  • Monitor your Call To Action: As we know, a call to action is a term we use to guide our customers to the next step in their purchase. Having an eye-catching and clever call to action helps us lead our leads. Try different colors, shapes, and sizes to make it more dynamic and easy to locate on our page.
  • Reduce the amount of information requested: We must be very direct and concise; we are not conducting an exam. If a page asks for a large amount of information upon entry, we will be driving away our audience. We can limit ourselves to requesting only their email address and continue our sales efforts through this same medium.
  • Harness your creativity: Creativity and innovation will be your best allies. Creating different content will help increase traffic to your website and generate more leads. Additionally, consistently publishing diverse content expands your reach, which can also result in an increase in leads.

Ideas for generating leads 

In the world of digital marketing, there is a term called nurturing. It consists of nurturing our customer with valuable information that accompanies them in their buying process and helps build a relationship. We can communicate all our information through content that increases traffic to our website.

According to a study conducted by MarketingSherpa, 73% of leads generated by a business do not result in sales. This teaches us several things. It is essential to create valuable content for our company, maintain its quality, guide the customer on their journey to purchase, and understand the needs of potential customers.

Now that we understand the importance of maintaining published content, let’s discuss some examples that we can apply:

  • Virtual Conferences: Organizing virtual conferences on topics of interest to your target audience, with a pre-event registration, gives us the opportunity to create a community. It also allows for a closer relationship with our potential customers. Remember to include an open space during your conference, where you can interact with potential clients, answer their questions, and invite them to follow the content your network produces.
  • Blog: Within a blog, it is much easier to explain various topics to your audience. It allows for more open and detailed communication. Use simple language, address topics of interest, and avoid excessive length in the articles. This will help capture the full attention of your potential customers.
  • Ebooks: When your customers are seeking knowledge on a specific topic, ebooks are a great way to provide them with information and keep your business in their minds. Remember to include a form for download on your landing page.

There are multiple ways to generate leads through valuable content. Keep in mind that it is not necessary to try to sell with every published content. Your audience needs organic content that gives your business a personality and demonstrates simplicity.

The Key to Success 

The process of converting leads into customers is much more complex than simply requesting contact information through forms. We have all received promotional emails that we didn’t even open, and they end up in the spam folder. You need to educate your customers about the need that your product or service can fulfill, highlight your competitive and differential advantages, inform them about different initiatives, and encourage them to participate by sharing relevant information. This will initiate a conversation and allow you to form a connection that leads to a sale. Additionally, personalize the emails sent based on the information provided by the customer.

There is no one defined way or formula. This series of steps described aims to be a guide on the right path, but it is always necessary to implement new methods, measure and adjust your practices according to your target audience. Increasing your number of leads increases your chances of success.

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